Travel guide to ITALY :Rome/Florence/Venizia
last february ,i was lucky enough to go to italy for eight days ,i've always wanted to visit Italy since i was a little girl ,and i can't believe i got the opportunity to make that dream a reality.Italy is a beautiful country ,i loved everything about it ,the history ,the monuments,the food ,the people .seriously everything ,it was an experience i will always carry with me .our first destination was ROME ,and may i just say,it's one of the best cities i have ever been to ,it's just magical ,it is definitely my favorite city of the trip ,and i definitely hope i could go back in the future.
we dedicated the first day to visit famous places in Rome such as :the colosseo,Palatino,Acro de Costantino,Areo di tito ,Santi Geovanni e Paolo.we got to really experience the rich history of this city and enjoy all the monuments .
at night time ,we decided to go check an area called Spagna ,which is basically a long street where you can find a lot of shops and luxurious brands for clothing ,and since our hotel was in the Manzoni area ,it was quite easy to go from an area to another using the train ,and there's only five stations if i remember correctly from Manzoni to Spagna .
during our second day in Rome ,we took the train and stopped at a station called Barberini ,then by walking we went to see Fontana de trevi which was simply beaaaaaautiful
after that ,we jumped into the train once again and stopped at station Ottaviano and walked into the Basilica S.pietro where we saw the vaticano,in this area , you can also find a lot of shops and shopping centers.
or Firenzi as the italians call it ,well this was without a doubt one of the most beautiful and calm cities i've ever been to ,it was just so relaxing and rich of history ,we spent most of our time wandering around taking photos of the beautiful views and enjoying our selves with delicious food and irresistible gelato (Ice cream).VENIZIA :
and we saved the best for last ,Venise .Venise felt like opening a book of ages ago and diving into it ,our whole purpose of choosing to visit Italy in february was to be able to attend venise carnaval ,which may i just say was interesting ,entertaining and sooo special .Venise is definitely a city to visit at least for once in your life time ,it is just a city like no other ,everything about it is special ,it is quite a touristy city and can be a little expensive ,but it is definitely worth it .we got to experience the carnaval ,to see a lot of people wearing some amazing costumes ,and we got to see a city where there's actually no cars ,yeah ,that was quite something.